More Testimonials

Cambridge Focus always delivers for me, and I appreciate all you do for me. Cambridge Focus is the most hospitable facility I have ever worked with. The staff is friendly, professional, creative, and always willing to make the extra effort to make every focus group a success.

Barry Orenstein, BOS Co.

I wanted to send a quick note of thanks for the superb support your team provided to us last week. You really do give best-in-class end-to-end service. Particularly impressive given the short turnaround on the last project.

Kevin Nolan, Strategy Analytics

The groups went very well, and as always the recruiting was excellent. The next time we consider groups in Boston, you''ll be at the top of our list.

Dave Glantz, Rockbridge Associates

Employment Opportunities

Submit your complete resume with a cover letter to us at:

Cambridge Focus
600 Memorial Drive
Cambridge, MA 02139

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